Education and Corporate Sectors
At Inspireware we understand that our software is nothing without the dedicated teachers who bring it to life in the classroom. For this reason we include the upskilling and preparation of teachers as part of the package. We ensure that teachers are confident, skilled and able to apply our software to its fullest extent for their students.
Our teacher training is MICT SETA Accredited and endorsed by SACE.
Inspireware provides the following preparation and training for teachers and pupils:
Basic Computer Literacy Training as well as Strategies to integrate ICT in everyday teaching.
Basic Inspireboard Functionality Training and the integration of this interactive technology as a teaching aid in the classroom.
Curriculum Content Training as well as Pedagogical Knowledge Training.
Winter Schools and classes for pupils during holidays for grade 12.
- Responsible use of social media
- Study Skills
- Confidence and Communication
- Emotional Intelligence
- Bespoke workshops for specified groups
Career Guidance
- Facilitation of the assessments with personal reports
- Tools and Resource Workshop
- Tertiary Study Workshop

By using our interactive solution companies save time, money and many headaches in airports and traffic, thereby being more productive in a short space of time where things happen quickly and more effectively.
Basic Functionality on the Inspire Range interactive technologies.
This enables the corporate to enhance its:
- Mind mapping
- Video conferencing
- Strategic Meetings
- Collaboration
- Presentations
- Training
Practical training sessions
Emotional Intelligence
Basic Computer Literacy course (MICT SETA Accredited)
For all your training needs, please contact us to discuss your requirements for these areas to propose a suitable solution.